Chapter 5 Programming ADD:
Since most modern rigs have 100+ memories, some operators program in all the
USA VHF/UHF repeater pairs and simplex channels.
For a list of these see URL:
Chapter 12, add D-Star
Some ICOM radios are coming out with the
D-STAR system, In D-Star, the air link portion of the protocol applies to
signals traveling between radios or between a radio and a repeater. D-STAR
radios can talk directly to each other without any intermediate equipment or
through a repeater using D-STAR voice or data transceivers. The gateway portion
of the protocol applies to the digital interface between D-STAR repeaters.
D-STAR also specifies how a voice signal is converted to and from streams of
digital data, a function called a codec. D-STAR codec is known as AMBE®
(Advanced Multi-Band Excitation) and the voice signal is transmitted in the
D-STAR system at 3600 bits/second (3.6 kbps). For more info on D-Star, see
And a D-Star System Map is
shown at URL:
Glossary, Page G-2. Under
Brick, change "linear" to "power", as most VHF/UHF
amplifiers for FM are run Class C for efficiency.
Chapter 12, add WIRES II
Internet Repeater Enhancement System)
The Yaesu Site: HRI-100 URL:
WIRES-II uses DTMF signaling to
establish a bridge, using the Internet, from your repeater or home station to
another WIRES-II-equipped station anywhere in the world. At the repeater site, a
personal computer is connected to the HRI-100 WIRES-II Interface Box, which
serves as a command and audio-patching controller for the Internet bridge to
your computer. Either a dial-up connection, or a high-speed line such as a DSL
or ISDN line, may be used for connecting to the Internet. The flexibility of the
WIRES-II concept allows you to configure the system to allow on-the-fly
selection of linked or non-linked communications.
fast-moving emergency communications where both local coordination and
longer-distance reporting are required, WIRES-II allows local communications to
be interspersed between linked transmissions. And because WIRES-II uses
voice-recording technology as a buffer, WIRES-II calls will never interrupt a
conversation in progress on a distant repeater. WIRES-II provides two operating
network concepts.
Up to
ten repeaters and/or home stations may join together to form a "Sister
Radio Group" for closed-network operations, ideal for emergency, school, or
sister-city groups. You can call any repeater within your SRG group using a
single DTMF digit. And the host WIRES-II server also maintains a world-wide
listing of repeaters operating in the "FRG" mode ("Friends' Radio
Group"), any of whom you may call using a six-digit DTMF string to
establish a link. More on WIRES II at URL:
Chapter 5 Programming
Page 5-1. In the fifth paragraph, change "Pled
repeater" to "For a repeater requiring a PL tone, ..."
Thursday, November 01, 2007