Rod; Just wanted to tell you how great your web site is. I have been looking at it since the late 90's and I just had to tell you how fascinating it really is. Without a doubt the most comprehensive of any amateur radio site! The absolute BEST. Sometimes I start looking around on it and the next thing I know I have spent more than a few hours getting "lost" on it. I just wanted to tell you that, and that I appreciate your work. All the Best & 73, Greg Ganz, K9GC Valparaiso, IN
WOW, I am blown away. Your site has just
replaced about 2 dozen other sites in my amateur favorites folder. A truly stunning compilation. A thousand thanks,
73, Frank, N9DXR, VE-27212, W5YI VEC
Just wanted to advise you that our club has made many references to your site while teaching the kids we're currently working with. Best to you. Donn, KA0SOH, St Louis MO
Dear Rod, Your website is a masterpiece by any standard!!! Keep up the great work- like no other!!! 73 Tim KG6RII - Mission Hills CA
We should ALL give AC6V a BIG well done for his web site. I have used it as a resource for years and it is always a tremendous help. It is the best!! Thanks again Rod. Bruce AA4Z
Hello,I am the webmaster of the Michigan DX Association. We would appreciate a link in your DX Clubs section. Our URL is http://www.mdxa1.org Thank you for providing the BEST Ham link site on the entire web!!!!!!!!!!!! I gave up and told our members to go directly to the AC6V site and added your link. Nobody but nobody can compare to your work. Thank You So Much for all your hard and valued work! Charles "Chuck" LeMarbre W8VOM Michigan DX Association Secretary Webmaster
Rodney, This is the best Ham Site on the web Bar none! I have been a Ham for 6 years and I'm an educator with an extra license. I appreciate all the work you have put into these pages to help Ham members to learn more about the hobby. Commendable!! You have helped me with some of the programs offered. Thank you...Big time. Best Regards, Tom Sheehan W9TES, Geneva IL
Indeed. AC6V (Rod Dinkins) has done a huge job of putting together a
huge site with links to just about anything in the radio hobby that you can
imagine! Well done, Rod! Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS, Fountain Valley, CA
know you get a lot of mail. So will make it short. I have used you're site for a
couple of years. Just wanted to thank you for putting in on the Internet. It is
the best and biggest I have found. I keep spreading the word. Maybe some will
help you out. I'm retired on a fixed income. Wish I could help. Just
wanted to let you know. There are some out there who care. 73 DE KU4UK,
Leon, Albertville AL
Hi Rod, just a note to say thank you for your excellent web site which I've been using on an almost daily basis for a year now. Thanks again and 73. Tony GW3GFM, UK
Good Morning! I just wanted to drop you a note to thank you for an outstanding ham radio website! I have yet to have a negative result when looking for any aspect of our hobby. Thanks again, and keep up the good work! 73s Pete AA8GK, Metamora MI
I have told you once before that you have the finest Amateur Radio site on the web, but I just have to repeat myself. You have the finest amateur Radio web site on the internet. It is almost 2 AM and I'm looking at your site 'stead of sleeping................. Thank you for your extraordinary efforts for all of us, Butch Magee KF5DE, Diamondhead, MS 39525